This program has resulted in development of medical devices by fellows such as:
Consure A device to manage fecal incontinence that improves clinical outcomes and reduces cost of hospitalization.
IntraOz Simple and cost effective device to access intraosseous cavity in long bones to administer fluids and drugs during emergencies.
Relligo A low cost device for pre-hospital care of trauma patients.
Sohum A low cost device to screen neonates for hearing defects in resource constrained settings.
NeoBreathe An easy to use resuscitation device which reduces the amount of skill required to perform neonatal resuscitation, with a view to enable frontline workers such as medical professionals, community health workers, midwives and other skilled birth attendants to perform neonatal resuscitation effectively – with minimal training.
IV Device Controlled intravenous infusion therapy for the other ninety percent.
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