The largest Serbian Exhibition of inventions and new technologies has been taking place in Belgrade for 32 years in continuity. At these exhibitions were presented the first class world achievements which gave the great contribution to development of the Serbia and the World science. The Serbian inventors are well known worldwide as the creators with rich imagination and high level of inventive ideas.
In order to enrich the content of our Exhibition and to enable the inventors from other countries to present their achievements at this large manifestation of intellectual achievements, Indian innovators are invited to submit registration application for participation at the 32st International Exhibition „INVENTIONS – BELGRADE 2012“, that will be held in the Gallery of Centrally home Serbian Military, Brace Jugovica 19, Belgrade, Serbia.
Since March 2006., Belgrade Association of Inventors has officially become a legal member of IFIA. Indian Innovators Association is Indian affiliate of IFIA. Indian Innovators interested in participation may write to or