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Tuesday, November 01, 2005

R&D awards

The Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) announced winners of the National Awards for outstanding In-house R&D achievements for the year 2005. The winners are(1)Gujsynth, Vapi for development of process for manufacture of 3,5 Dichloro Aniline, (2) IPCL, Vadodara  for development of zeolite based super selective catalyst and process for manufacture of paradiethylbenzene(3) Matrix Laboratories, Secunderabad, for dev of Citalopram & others (4) Sri Biotech, Hyderabad, for dev of new protocol and delivery system for control of diseases and pests in agriculture (5) Transasia Biomedicals Ltd, Mumbai, for dev of fully automatic random access bio-chemistry analyzer XL-600 (6) Maharashtra Stae Seeds corporation ltd, Akola, for dev of pollution free cotton seed delinting plant  (7) SAIL, Ranchi, for dev of low carbon EDD steel (8) Praj Industries ltd, Pune, fro dev of multi-feed ethanol production process (9) Relaince Industries, Surat, for absorption of NG3 technology imported from E.I.Dupont (10) BEL, Bangalore fro dev of battle field survelliellance radar and (11) Rasi seeds, Attur.for dev of transgenic Bt cotton hybrids. See:

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