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Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Stagnant Manufacturing: Governance and Policy Slack: E Book by IKF (IRIS Knowledge Foundation), Mumbai, India jointly with Forum for Global Knowledge Sharing.

There is optimism in the air with `Make-In-India' campaign and in these eSSays analysts focus on the issues. 
The first essay by Aradhna Aggarwal deals with the decline of manufacturing in all its aspects, including employment, inter-state differences and technological change. The next essay deals with the main cause of decline, namely, poor investment climate. Biswanath Goldar advocates the creation of a large number of industrial jobs through rapid growth of the manufacturing sector. Arup Mitra argues that growth alone is not sufficient to achieve major improvements in economic and social well being of the poorer sections. Vinish Kathuria emphasises the importance of the informal sector and argues that for both manufacturing and services the informal sector has been the major employer. Kalirajan and Nguyen discuss the huge potential in exporting environmentally friendly goods for which there is a huge global demand.Finally Bino Paul analyses wages and productivity relationships.

The compilation in the form of E Book (PDF) can be downloaded free (after registration) with Forum for Global Knowledge Sharing

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