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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The 28 day innovation program- Scott D Anthony

In his book ` The little black book of innovation' consultant  Scott Anthony brings insights from Innosight and prescribes a 28 day journey . Week end summery of program:

  • First week - discover opportunities for innovation.
  • Second week -blueprint an innovative idea.
  •  third week-Assess and test your innovative idea.
  • Fourth week- Move forward in the journey.
Some interesting concepts:
Selective scarcity- where you place limits on three factors ( time, boundary limits, team number)  whose abundance can crush innovation,
Sucking sound of core- the more a company focuses on what it perceives as it core competence,the more it risks running into `sucking sound of core'. So create a blueprint of what you should borrow and what core capability you absolutely must forget.

And many tips from the practitioner, rich with examples from India and other Asian countries.

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