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Thursday, February 03, 2011

Innovation- Indian Vs Europe

Innovation Union Scoreboard 2010 released by EU compares the innovation performance of EU 27 member states with US, Japan, China, Brazil, Russia. Abstract on Indian innovations:
For both the US and Japan innovation performance is well above that of the EU27. The results also show that the EU27 has a strong lead compared to each of the BRIC countries. The performance lead towards India has remained stable over the last 5 years and that towards Russia has slightly increased. China and Brazil are both catching-up towards the EU27 where the rate of relative improvement for Brazil is more modest than that for China.

The EU27 is performing better than India in most indicators . In Knowledge intensive services exports India is performing better. Overall there is a clear performance lead in favour of the EU27. But this lead is declining, as India’s innovation performance has grown at a faster rate than of the EU27. India has been decreasing the
performance gap in 4 indicators (Most cited publications, Business R&D expenditure, Public-private co-publications and License and patent revenues) and has experienced a decrease in its performance lead in Exports of medium-high and high-tech products and Knowledge-intensive services exports. The EU27 has increased its lead in Tertiary education, Public R&D expenditure, PCT patents and PCT patents in societal challenges.

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